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Image by David Clode
A selection of our published work

Peer reviewed

Santamaria, F., Palme, R., & Schlagloth, R. (2023). Discussion paper on ‘comparing the agreement of a commercial cortisol kit with a biologically validated assay in evaluating faecal cortisol metabolite levels in koala joeys’. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 111416. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111416

Danaher, M., Schlagloth, R., Hewson, M., & Geddes, C. (2023). One Person and a Camera: a relatively non-intrusive approach to Koala citizen science. Australian Zoologist, 1-15. doi:10.7882/AZ.2023.006

Schlagloth, R., Hewson, M., Schultz, M., Danaher, M., & Santamaria, F. (2023). Gauging landholder attitudes and willingness towards koala conservation in a Central Queensland region. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 1-20. doi:10.1080/14486563.2023.2173321

Santamaria, F., Schlagloth, R., Valenza, L., Palme, R., de Villiers, D., & Henning, J. (2023). The Effect of Disease and Injury on Faecal Cortisol Metabolites, as an Indicator of Stress in Wild Hospitalised Koalas, Endangered Australian Marsupials. Veterinary Sciences, 10(1), 65. doi:10.3390/vetsci10010065

Schlagloth, R., Golding, B., Kentish, B., McGinnis, G., Clark, I. D., Cadman, T., . . . Santamaria, F. (2022). Koalas – Agents for Change: A case study from regional Victoria. Journal of Sustainability Education, 26(February), 16 pages.

Schlagloth, R., A. Morgan, E., Cadman, T., Santamaria, F., McGinnis, G., Thomson, H., . . . Mcewan, A. (2022). Applying landscape-level principles to koala management in Australia: a comparative analysis. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-22. doi:10.1080/09640568.2022.2124154

Clark, I. D., Schlagloth, R., Cahir, F., & McGinnis, G. (2022). Kurrburra the Boonwurrung ‘Wirrirrap’ and Bard (1797-1849): A Man of High Degree. Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal, 36, 31-49. doi:10.35515/zfa/asj.36/2022.03

Cahir, F., Schlagloth, R., & Clark, I. D. (2022). The importance of the koala in Aboriginal society in nineteenth-century Queensland (Australia): A reconsideration of the archival record. Anthrozoos, 35(1), 75-89. doi:10.1080/08927936.2021.1963544

Schlagloth, R., Golding, B., Kentish, B., McGinnis, G., Clark, I., Cadman, T., Cahir, F., & Santamaria, F. (2022) Koalas - Agents for Change: A case study from regional Victoria, Journal of Sustainability Education, 26, 1-16.

Santamaria, F., Schlagloth, R., Palme, R., & Henning, J. (2021). Over time Decay of Cortisol Metabolites in Faecal Pellets of Koalas in Central Queensland. Animals. 11(12).

Schlagloth, R., Santamaria, F., Melzer, A., Keatley, M. R., & Houston, W. (2021). Vehicle collisions and dog attacks on Victorian koalas as evidenced by a retrospective analysis of sightings and admission records 1997–2011. Australian Zoologist.


Cahir, F., Schlagloth, R., & Clark, I. D. (2021). The Importance of the Koala in Aboriginal Society in Nineteenth-Century Queensland (Australia): A Reconsideration of the Archival Record. Anthrozoös, 1-15.

Santamaria, F.; Barlow, CK.; Schlagloth, R., Schittenhelm, RB., Palme, R., and Henning, J. (2021). Identification of Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) Faecal Cortisol Metabolites Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Enzyme Immunoassays. Metabolites. 11(6):393. 

Santamaria, F.; Palme, R.; Schlagloth, R.; Klobetz-Rassam, E. and Henning, J. (2021). Seasonal Variations of Faecal Cortisol Metabolites in Koalas in South East Queensland. Animals, 11, 1622. 10.33

Cahir, F.; Schlagloth, R. and Clark, I. (2020). The Historic Importance of the Koala in Aboriginal Society in New South Wales (Australia): A Reconsideration of the Archival Record Koala in literature. ab-original.

Clark, I.; Schlagloth, R.; Cahir, F. and McGinnis (2020). Kurrburra the Boonwurrung wirrirrap and bard (1797–1849)—a man of high degree. Aus J Biography and History 4, 73-91.

Schlagloth, R.; Cahir, F. and Clark, I. (2018). The Historic Importance of the Koala in Aboriginal Society in Victoria (Australia): A Reconsideration of the Archival Record Koala in literature. Anthrozoös; 31(4), 433-441, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2018.1482115

Schlagloth, R.; Santamaria, F.; Golding, B. & Thomson, H. (2018). Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study. Animal Studies Journal, 7(1): 127-148.:

Wedrowicz, F.; Wright, W.; Schlagloth, R.; Santamaria, F. & Cahir, F. (2017). Landscape, koalas and people: A historical account of koala populations and their environment in South Gippsland. Australian Zoologist, 38 (4): 518–536.

Santamaria, F. & Schlagloth, R. (2016). The effect of translocation on Chlamydia-naïve koalas. A case study. Australian Zoologist. DOI:

Santamaria, F.; Keatley M.R. & Schlagloth, R. (2004). Does size matter? Tree use by translocated koalas. The Victorian Naturalist 122: 4–13.


Hewson, M., Melzer, A., & Santamaria, F. (2019). Project Report: Koala Habitat Health – Remote Sensing Based, Landscape Scale Habitat Management Toolbox. Rockhampton: Central Queensland University. Retrieved from

Hewson, M., Santamaria, F., Melzer, A., & Melzer, R. (2019). Tools for Assessing Queensland’s Koala Habitat Condition. Rockhampton QLD: Central Queensland University.

Melzer, A., Santamaria, F., & Allen, S. E. (2018). The koalas, koala habitat and conservation management in the Clarke-Connors Ranges and associated landscapes: A report to the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. Rockhampton, Queensland: Koala Research-CQ, School of Medical and Applied Sciences, CQUniversity. Retrieved from

Schlagloth, R. (2018). Managing Central Queensland’s Clarke Connors Range koala population. Predicting future koala-road kill hotspots. Koala Research Project – Eton Range Realignment. Koala Research – CQ, Central Queensland University.

Schlagloth, R., Mitchell, D. and Rhodes, J. (2008). Use of Blue Gum Plantations by Koalas. A report to stakeholders in the plantation industry.

Schlagloth, R., Thomson, H. and Mitchell, (2006). Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for Ballarat City Council (Part 1- The Plan, part 2 – resource document)

Schlagloth, R. and Santamaria, F. (2001). Koala Survey for Ballarat. Report on an extensive survey of ratepayers’ attitude to, and experiences with, koala conservation. City of Ballarat / Australian Koala Foundation.

Prevett, P. T., Pope, R., Smithyman, S., & Schlagloth, R. (1995). Interaction between Koalas and Roads on the Midland Highway and Western Freeway in Victoria: University of Ballarat

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